AR Filters for the World Environment Day by UNEP, Meshminds and Others

Last Saturday was World Environment Day! For his occasion, working with the United Nations Environment Programme, MeshMinds has developed a set of three augmented reality experiences using Spark AR from Facebook for UN Goodwill Ambassadors – Dia Mirza, Alex Rendell, and Antoinette Taus – that show the effects of human-caused degradation of the Mountains of India, the Mangroves of Thailand and the Coral Reefs of the Philippines.
Simply click on the links below the videos to start your AR experience 👇
By interacting with the environment, you learn about the problem and an individual action to help combat the triple threat of climate change, loss of nature and pollution that these ecosystems are facing. Thereafter, you bear witness to the environments reimagined, recreated and restored before being invited to make your pledge to join #GenerationRestoration and show the world what you will do to heal nature.
Head to Instagram to find Ecosphere AR hosted by Dia Mirza, Alex Rendell, and Antoinette Taus under their Effects tab ✨. Follow these three simple steps to activate Ecosphere AR:
- Using your back-facing camera, start by tapping on the sphere. You will be transported to the Mountains of India, Mangroves of Thailand, or Coral Reefs of The Philippines. Explore the degraded environment and look out for the #GenerationRestoration logo labelled ‘TAP HERE’. Through the magic of augmented reality, you will see the environment reimagined, recreated and restored.
- Whilst recording a video, try swapping to the front-facing camera by tapping on the camera icon on the bottom right of your screen with your other hand and say: “Join Generation Restoration”. Or, simply snap a photo.
- Add your video or photo to your Story and tag three friends to join #GenerationRestoration”.
It’s not the first time that MeshMinds and UNEP joined forces to use AR for engaging people around a pressing cause of saving the Earth. Read more about their previous projects in our blog post from September, 2020: UNEP & MeshMinds Invite Everyone to ‘Clean the Air” Using Instagram AR Filters.
Find more #environmental 🌿 AR filters on Lenslist
Lenslist is the biggest database of Instagram filters and Snapchat Lenses in the world. As we are all about sustainability, we’re constantly looking for AR effects that aim to raise public awareness about environmental issues.
Try some of these examples out and use the links below to discover hundreds more of AR effects that were born out of love for Earth.
by greenpeacekorea
by CyreneQ
by rewild
by reidosgifs
by Aidan Wolf
by Daniel Pimentel
by uantwerpen
by codezone_digital
by visualize.mee/
by greenteamofficiel
by natgeo
Together, we can raise our voices and inspire action to prevent climate catastrophe; stem the growing tide of pollution and waste, and halt biodiversity loss. Everyone must play a part. Act now.