10 AR Filters’ Creators You Should Follow | November 2022

Brand new day and brand new ARtistic inventors. 😁 Time to get a new dose of creativity and recharge your batteries for new achievements. 🏔️ Today we invite you to get inspired with us – and jump into a compilation of 10 AR Filters’ Creators You Should Follow, where we once again gathered big-time talents filling the AR world with their superordinary designs, which seem to have no end. ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Get to know 10 spARkling minds, whose projects have already captured our hearts! 😍
Naila is a young AR artist, specifically an Instagram filter Creator. She is mainly interested in creating Beauty Effects and entertaining, more interactive designs. She began to explore the AR world relatively not long ago, but has already achieved incredible success thanks to hard work and constant training in this innovative ARea.
My journey with AR started when the pandemic hit. It was a way to distract myself from what was happening around me and the world, and it truly helped me to escape for a few moments to create AR experiences. I started off by learning the basics, color filters and at some point back then I just wanted to do that, color filters. However, after joining the Meta Spark Community I discovered endless experiences that could be created using AR. Truth be told, I’ve been a student, an employee, and an AR Creator this whole time, and sometimes it can be difficult to keep a healthy balance between those things, difficult but not impossible.
The filters I create are divided into Beauty and Game filters, and when I started I knew nothing about design, photoshop, or anything, but creating these experiences pushes you to learn new things! After I finish school, which is pretty soon, I plan on creating something to help the Spanish-speaking part of the community since most of the tutorials found on the Internet are in different languages, so it’d be amazing to have something that could help more people to get involved in the AR world!– Naila
Luis Angel
Luis is an ambitious filter Creator, who set out on the AR journey 2 years ago. The transformation of people’s faces and the possibility of absolute reincarnation evokes a lot of emotions, which is what he planned to achieve with his inventive designs. He started his ARtsy adventure while studying Architecture and Interior Design and couldn’t stop thinking in a non-standARd way.
Hey! I’m Luis Angel, a Filter Creator, Architecture and Interior Design student based in Peru.
My journey through the filters started about while I was in high school. Approximately at the end of 2020 I began to discover all the possibilities of expression and visibility that I could give by creating AR. Since then I haven’t stopped immersing myself in knowledge and falling in love with the experiences and possibilities that the AR world can bring us to the physical world.
I’m a big fan of the supernatural, unreal characters and artificial intelligence, so since I acquired more knowledge about the creation of filters, I try to bring to life these characters that at some point caused us an emotion. Personally, I feel that working in this area brings with it memorable experiences, the one I enjoy the most is the satisfaction of seeing others enjoy my art.– Luis Angel
Reem’s imagination will definitely not leave you indifferent. This girl has been creating masterpieces for a little over a year, but her spARkling talent cannot remain hidden for too long. Take on a voyage of AR discovery with a digital artist creating exciting mini games and hero face masks.
Hey! I’m Reem from Lebanon. I started making AR filters last year during summertime and ever since it became a passion for me. Even though my country is going through a huge economical crisis, Augmented Reality has become a beautiful escape from the real world. I just want to wake up every morning and learn more about the things that I don’t know how to do yet. My dream is to be able to share my imagination with others.
I majored in Computer Science and learnt a lot about the technical stuff but I felt something was missing and AR filled that gap. Ever since, I’ve been working on myself to become a Creative Developer.
In the end they say, “Creativity is intelligence having fun” and indeed it is.– Reem
His filters will not let you get bored. With their help, you can plunge into the fantastic world of illusion and interactivity, and even make your own musical beat, because ARt is not only about visuals – see it for yourself and try out his stunning designs!
When I was a kid I wanted to be a game developer, so I learned programming on 8-bit computers. A bit later I wanted to be a musician and got into synths and drum machines. After years of being an adult working in a boring corporate job I discovered the fun of creating AR effects in my spare time. It enables me to explore visual programming, make tools for musicians and even try game development in a new way. I love seeing other people get creative with my effects. I aim to learn more about AR and maybe one day I will make it my profession.
– Kutikuti77
David Seelos
David is a 3D Artist and an AR Creator based in Vienna. He is also a Co-Founder of Pixel Adgency which has already enabled him and his team to work with brands such as Red Bull or Vapiano. As we study his story, we can say for sure that he will not stop there, and we should expect him to reach even greater AR heights!
Hi. My name is David Seelos and I am from Vienna, Austria.
What I love about AR is that every creative area has its justification and can be implemented. For example, I create and edit my textures in Illustrator and Photoshop, animate my PNG sequences in After Effects, create my 3D objects in Blender, at the end it all comes together in the AR software and it almost comes to life placing within our environment.
My first experience with AR was with the Spark AR software, which was around 2019.
I started to work with small projects just for fun, but I found the software very interesting, so I got more and more involved with it.In the meantime, I was able to turn this hobby into my profession.
I founded Pixel Adgency together with my business partner Agustin Laudato, an agency where we focus mainly on AR projects and with which we had already an opportunity to work with other agencies and brands like Red Bull, Caritas or Vapiano.I am excited about what the future will bring in this area and I am looking forward to it.
Turn your dreams into (augmented) reality!
– David Seelos
Rodrigo Guilherme
This newcomer is not as novice as it may seem at first glance. Like many others, the AR world has submerged him in its bowels and for sure it will not let him go. This young and ready-for-everything AR Creator will tell you about his AR way. Check out his fabulous projects!
I am passionate about technology. My journey in the AR experience started in 2021 when a friend invited me to create a filter for Instagram, that’s when I was delighted with the possibility of creating artistic experiences that can be interactive. I believe that this interactivity breaks all barriers of creativity. I see this while watching some artists who work with AR, many of them are Brazilians and they inspire me like Caio Campos (@dbo.cc).
I’m learning a lot in this area and I’m going to study, study and study, explore all the possibilities software offers, and finally create my own visual identity to get immersive experiences, and create new stories.
This is my AR Creator story, and it’s just getting started! :’)– Rodrigo Guilherme
Hiroyuki is an AR Creator based in Japan. Having already some experience in the digital sphere, he began to study the AR world even deeper and discovered Augmented Reality from different angles. We invite you to see his bizARre ideas and find out if AR creation is really as difficult as it seems.
I’m Hiroyuki (ひろゆき). I make Effects in Japan. I’ve been making games for smartphones, and I’ve never made AR filters before. Around April of this year, I came across Effect House, where I encountered AR filters for the first time. I was surprised at how easy it was to create AR filters. Then the ideas started pouring out, and I have created many AR filters.When I create Effects, I first think about what kind of video will be completed, and then create from there. If an Effect causes an action, the filmmaker will react in this way, and so on. I want to continue creating Effects that make everyone smile and be surprised.
– Hiroyuki
This girl is proof that filters can be created by absolutely everyone and there are no barriers to ingenuity or mixing art, fun and technology. The main thing is inspiration and imagination. See how this talented AR Creator experiments with Augmented Reality and dive into her unique projects!
by magicalcelery
by magicalcelery
by magicalcelery
I started making filters because I have a condition called PCOS that makes my skin break out so much. I couldn’t even attempt makeup. Filters were the magical space where I can become drag queens, goth baddies, and aliens! I want to make filters that allow people to be whatever they want and more!
– Magicalcelery
Aram is an AR Creator with a true passion for expanding our visual experience. His creative potential is unlimited and, as he himself claims, it has not yet been fully revealed. There is no doubt that this is only the beginning of his journey, and we will be impressed by his works even more.
AR has been the outlet to project my creativity into a reality. This is just the beginning of my journey. There is so much to come. Be prepared!
– Aram
Anna is a digital Creator who, thanks to her AR skills, has already created filters for brands and celebrities. Being a creative person, she was able to connect two hobbies for herself – fashion and Augmented Reality. Try out these smARt and glamorous projects and we promise you will fall in love with her fashionable masks.
The future is already here. Right now I see how big luxury brands have turned their full attention to AR and started integrating it more into their product through reels, TikTok, and physical materials like clothes.
I like AR clothes, unusual combinations – for example, clothes made from bread or seaweed on the face.
I am inspired by the development of the AR and VR industry, the amazing work of other AR creators, and the community of creative people. I’m so excited to be a part of it all!– Anna
As usual, we are incredibly impressed with what these genius brains have in store for us. Surely you are too. 😏 And it’s not surprising, because thanks to them we have an opportunity to discover new possibilities of Augmented Reality and experiment with our surroundings. ✨
There was never any doubt about the limitlessness of the ideas of our Creators, so we don’t say goodbye to you… get ready to be amazed again and again! 💖😊