10 AR Filters’ Creators You Should Follow | June 2022

Time for our favorite energy-filling routine! ⚡️ There is nothing that gives us so much energy and inspiration as getting to know more creative minds of AR! 🤩 Let us introduce to you another 10 amazing people with 10 incredible journeys – every each one is inspiring in their own way and you’ll see why! ❤️ Find out how and what they create, together with their favorite Effects for you to try out.
Get to know them better and don’t forget to follow ‘em all! ⭐️
DevSeb is a Filter Creator and Game Developer based in Toronto. He made a lot of mobile games such as Dangle Dash or Crust Crusaders. When he discovered the TikTok AR Community, his journey with filters started and since then, his TikTok has become filled with cool, funny Effects including lots of gaming randomizers.
I have a background in game development and content creation. When the world shut down during the pandemic, I had a lot of time on my hands, so I decided to focus on what I love: building mobile games. I noticed there was an avid community of gamers on TikTok which inspired @devseb. Over the last year, I have been sharing my journey/process of building games on TikTok while also tapping into my community for input and inspiration. It changed my life.
As an avid TikToker, I was excited to see that TikTok’s Effect House was available for everyone. I noticed that my community had an appetite for filter creation, so I started making random filters. I then shifted my content to focus on my journey with Effect House and it’s been a hit.
So far, I have had the most fun making randomizers and quiz filters.
My next goal is to use what I have learned with Effect House to create a game that lives within a VR filter.
Funny enough, my most successful mobile game was inspired by a meme. When it comes to finding inspiration for my filters, I go back to memes or trending topics. For example this filter was inspired by the “Catching Someone in 4k” meme.
There has been a running joke with my community that I look like GigaChad. This inspired the release of a GigaChad filter. I was able to use a 3D mask and face warp to change someone’s face to a current meme. TikTokers loved this filter. It has over 6million+ views.
TikTok’s Effect House is still fairly new, but I have really enjoyed the content and filters I am creating. I am excited to merge this application into my next game.
– DevSeb
Chakdar Abdulazeez
@Chakdar Abdulazeez
Chakdar Abdulazeez is an innovative tech mind from Iraq. As a Lens Creator, he uses his IT background and huge experience with AR, VR and ML to make colorful, aesthetic Snapchat filters. Apart from working in high-tech, he’s also a YouTuber.
I’m Chakdar Abdulazeez Tamar born in 1999/3/25 from Duhok, Iraq, an innovative tech mind with 9 years of experience working as a computer programmer, working with a variety of technology and software solutions, and managing databases. I’m a valuable team member in the government who has experience in diagnosing problems and developing solutions. I’m also a Lens Creator on Snapchat working with AR, VR, ML and a Youtuber. I have extensive expertise in networking systems and working with mainframe computers. With a solid background and advanced knowledge in computer development software, I have the ability to create and design web pages. I’m also skilled in working with database management tools such as MySQL, Hadoop, Sybase, and MongoDB. I’m able to provide the best security for web pages or social networks.
– Chakdar Abdulazeez
Max Bahman
Max Bahman is a visual artist based in Tel Aviv. His works are centered on consumer culture and spheres of our daily lives, which he portrays using digital means. He also has a company providing graphic services and AR, which has become a big part of his life after many successes.
My name is Max Bahman, I’m 24 years old and I live in Israel.
My journey with filters began when I happened to hear about the option of creating filters when it was only starting on Instagram and just had to try it.
I was amongst the first to create filters. I would sit and pull all nighters in order to learn the software by myself because there were no tutorials yet.
I slowly started to understand how it worked and was successful in creating some filters. I’ve gained popularity with the broken hearts filter that I’ve created by chance as part of my experiments in the software. I did not expect anything to happen with it and just uploaded it to Instagram without even posting about it. And then suddenly one morning I got up and saw that Billie Eilish used my filter and that I had thousands of Instagram alerts. The filter kept trending on Instagram and reached more stars like Addison Rae, Dua Lipa, Kourtney Kardashian and more. They all started using my filters and since then it has become a major part of my life and what I do every day, for myself and for my clients. Since I come from the art field, I have a unique style that combines minimalism and color at the same time which is reflected in the filters that I make.– Max Bahman
Natacha Borisovnna
Since 2019, Natacha Borisovnna has become an experienced and talented digital artist and now her works combine all different styles, as she constantly seeks for something new and looks for ways to bond with people. Her journey can be seen on her Instagram where she keeps both her old and new filters.
My journey in AR began back in 2019, absolutely by accident. At that moment I was designing clothes and creating websites, and I decided to just try to create one simple Effect. I opened SparkAR and it started. Creating Effects captured me instantly and completely, other areas of design were no longer of interest, I just wanted to create filters, develop in this direction.
I have left on my Instagram account absolutely all the Effects that I created from the very beginning, even though the first ones are crooked and oblique, I want to see the whole path I have traveled during this time, the path of great work, study, and most importantly, a great desire to do something that brings incredible pleasure.
Inspiration comes from everything around us, from nature, family, events in society and world problems, for example environmental. It seems to me that we need to disclose all the topics that concern us in the modern world, including problems, because AR is used by millions of people around the world every day, and we, the Creators, can influence society, touch the souls and draw people’s attention to many points.
There is no specific style in my work, I try to cover all areas without getting hung up on a certain direction, it’s much more interesting this way.
If you want to succeed in any field of activity, you will have to work hard, there will be moments when you want to cry and give up, but this is temporary, you can’t stop, you need to go further, and then everything will work out. Create AR, it’s an amazing opportunity to please millions of people around the world, it’s just incredible!
– Natacha Borisovnna
Henry Mayer
Henry Mayer’s AR journey started off on Snapchat, when he discovered that he could make his own filters and since then, his portfolio has grown into a beautiful gallery of colorful beauty works.
I‘ve started making filters at the end of 2020 just because I was bored. I saw on TikTok that you could make your own filters on Snapchat. I downloaded the software and started playing around.
I mostly make beauty and color correction filters and I don’t really search for inspiration. Most of the time I just come across a photo I like on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok and then I try to make something out of it.– Henry Mayer
Ines Hilz
Ines Hilz is a Multimedia Designer, working both with AR and VR. Moreover, she’s a game artist! Being a solarpunk and future optimist, her works engage users in an amazing, captivating way. She’s also looking forward to creating something that involves immersive mixed reality worlds.
I’m Ines and I create AR Effects for a living and for fun! I studied VR-Design and got hooked on making games and immersive technologies like AR and VR.
It often requires our full attention and therefore has great potential to educate, entertain and move us emotionally and physically.
I love that people have so much fun with AR Effects, sharing it with friends and really engaging with the medium.Coming from a game design background, my work is often code heavy, interactive and gamified, while still following basic design rules and intuitive usability.
AR through the phone is great for accessibility, but I can’t wait to design for AR glasses and to truly dive into fully immersive mixed reality worlds!– Ines Hilz
Natali Zmievskaya
Natali Zmievskaya is a Digital Creator based in Ukraine. She creates on Instagram and TikTok, and the list of her successful stunning Effects goes on, as well as numerous partners such as UNICEF UA. Her passion for art and creating for people and brands inspires Natali to keep conquering other platforms.
Hi, I’m Natalie, an experienced Creator of Instagram, Facebook and TikTok AR Filters from Ukraine. I started working with filters on Instagram when they finished their beta in August 2019. I had my old Windows laptop at that moment so it was a little quest for me, but I’m really happy that I decided to try it! Before it I was working as a social media marketer for different brands out of office. Now I’m working as a full-time freelance Creator for different clients from all over the world and also building a little agency with my husband (he is a 3D modeler). For me, filters are not only a way to express feelings through art but also a chance to highlight brand values and help it stand out from the competition. Now I’m trying to get every chance that is given to us through different platforms and media to never stop learning something new and growing my skills. My next step – Snapchat! Inspiration part is a very important part of all this way because you need to generate content all the time. I get a lot of inspiration from movies because I’m a big movies fan! Especially Marvel’s 🙂 Also I’m trying to see a lot of different content on Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest. For example, after seeing a lot of TikTok makeup videos, I’m falling in love with that and want not only to try it in real life but also create some makeup filters.
– Natali Zmievskaya
Deivid Rocha
Deivid Rocha is a programmer, game designer and founder of Exabit XR, based in Brazil. His passion for technology awakened when he was a kid, while trying to express his dreams. Some years later, he became a part of the AR Community and now he creates amazing futuristic, dystopian Effects and works with people and brands all over the world.
My story with technology started during childhood. I always wanted to express my dreams through it. I started programming in 2015 and in 2019 I entered the world of Augmented Reality. My biggest inspirations are Paige Piskin and Jeferson Araujo. The themes of my filters are futuristic and dystopian, focused on bringing abstract things to reality, like flying cars and smart cities. At the moment I’m studying XR programming (and updating my old filters ahaha). 2022 has been one of the best years of my life for sure, being recognized by Meta, Lenslist, winning competitions, making new friends across the world, working with what I love is what made it so! My main clients are the music industry and construction companies… I have projects besides AR and I also opened a company this year and hope to make XR games/experiences in the future.
– Deivid Rocha
Geri Cani
Geri Cani is a Content Creator, making Augmented Reality filters on Instagram and TikTok. His favorite platform to create is TikTok, where he can freely let his visions and ideas flow through people’s feeds and where everyone can spread their artistic wings.
I started my AR journey 3 years ago creating Instagram Filters and then started to learn about Snapchat filters. Also, 2 months ago I started my TikTok AR Effects journey. This one is the most beautiful one of those 3 journeys because my work is seen and appreciated more and TikTok is like the place for growth of any kind of talent. My inspiration to create AE Effects mostly comes from random videos that I see or from my imagination.
– Geri Cani
Vanessa Mope
Vanessa Mope is an AR Creator with a background in Visual and Digital Arts. With discovering AR filters, her passion for art gained a new life and Augmented Reality truly sparks her imagination. She finds inspiration in Brazilian Creators’ works and loves making filters centered on characters and futuristic vibes.
I’m Vanessa Mope. I’m 31 years old and I study Visual and Digital Arts. I started studying filter creation in 2020, but it was only this year that I continued my studies. I’m a beginner in the AR world and I love character and futuristic themed filters. I am inspired by Brazilian Creators like Kewin and Fernanda Zavanella. I’ve always loved art and making filters is like therapy because of the infinite possibilities we have to expand our imagination.
– Vanessa Mope
Ah, what a dose of inspiration! 🤩 Nothing gives us so much energy like amazing AR talents from all over the world! 🌍⭐️ We hope you feel super inspired (and excited to see their next works)! 🔥🔥🔥 Keep an eye out for even more creative minds!