AR Case Study — How Xenia Created “Lenslist Make-up”

Inspiration doesn’t always arrive spontaneously. Sometimes, it needs to be cultivated, and this doesn’t require much – just a keen intellect and the ability to observe details closely. 👁️ These particulars, in turn, will undoubtedly contribute to assembling the creative puzzle in its own distinctive way, allowing us to label art as truly incomparable! 🪁
Today, we will witness an exceptionally captivating makeup look where every element was meticulously planned and balanced, where the digital artist Xenia’s aesthetic sensibility played a crucial role! 💜 Enchanting and graceful, vivid yet not overly bold, every aspect is flawlessly executed. 😍 Let’s delve into the realm of digital visage and explore how to achieve an exceptionally distinctive beauty effect! 💅🏻 Equally important, let’s discover how to convey your vision to others without compromising its integrity and make it appealing to everyone!
The idea behind the effect
I started with the blank white canvas in Procreate and wrote with my iPencil Lens List.
by lenslist
Preparing the concept
I decided that the background would look cool if I duplicated the text and used the same colors as the official Lens List logo. Then, I chose to position the logo on the face. Cheeks – no, boring. Earrings – no, they already have one. Eyebrows – yes! And I’ll add some glitter! Additionally, I’ll add purple eyelashes and orange for the cheeks and lower lash line because orange and purple always complement each other well. I opted to keep the lips neutral because ‘less is more’.
Creative process
I began working on the effect four days prior to starting the actual project. During this time, I immersed myself in various sources of inspiration, such as visiting museums, scrolling through my makeup-filled IG feed, and saving fashion photoshoot pictures on Pinterest. My goal was to conceive a unique and original makeup look that nobody had created before.
The most challenging part was starting with a blank white canvas. However, as soon as my hand wrote Lens List, I entered a state of flow, and the ideas began to come effortlessly. I utilized the Procreate app on my iPad to create all the necessary assets. Later, I used Photoshop to adjust and export these assets in the appropriate format. After I used my old makeup project and just replaced all the textures. I kept the lips and the freckles but lowered the opacity so they look nice to me. Also I changed the color of highlighter from purple to orange so it matches the blush.
Once I completed the effect, I decided to recreate the look using real makeup. I filmed the entire process of creating the makeup look, capturing every step involved. In the video, I included a few moments of me working on the filter as well, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the creative process.
For the final video, I eadited the footage down to a concise 10-15 seconds, making sure to keep the most captivating moments. The last 1-3 seconds of the video showcased the finished makeup look with the effect applied. This strategic editing approach encouraged viewers to watch the video until the end, and it proved to be highly effective. As a result, one of my preview videos garnered an impressive 2 million views, capturing the attention of a wide audience.
I wanted to create something unique and beautiful, and I love the results. But what matters most to me is that you will love it too! I enjoy seeing happy faces using my effects.
Often, all genius starts with something very simple, as in our today’s Case Study, where on the digital canvas inventive Xenia’s mind began with what seemed to be the simplest keyword – Lenslist. 🙌🏻 Further, incredible ideas unfolded in her mind, bringing her pleasure rather than burden to implement! 🪄
The touch of violet, the makeup revealing a gentle grunge style – trying out this beauty makes you automatically wish to transport it into the reality! 🦋 Once more, a big thank you to Xenia for her incredibly stunning work! 🤌🏻 Those eyebrows – they’re destined to become a trend!