Learning from AR Ads Success Stories’ Metrics: airBaltic, Kulturprojekte Berlin, Dubai Properties

Recently, Facebook for Business published a few success stories of brands which had used Facebook AR Ads. As they provide some hard statistics on how well the AR campaigns can do (which is a very hot commodity among marketers), we’ve decided to take a closer look and put them together to save you some time.

airBaltic: sell more with lower costs

The Latvian airline used attention-grabbing Facebook Augmented Reality ads to inspire travellers to explore their next destination, achieving 2.6X more purchase conversions with the immersive format. Facebook for Business

Latvian airline airBaltic conducted a two-phased campaing which goal was to capture the attention of potential clients using Facebook’s News Feed AR Ads format and push them to make a purchase immediately. To lower the costs per ad recall, they targeted the ads at the people from Baltics already interested in booking a trip. AR filter was a simple, yet very engaging and relevant randomizer.

Source: Facebook for Business

The results show that AR ads were just more engaging, bringing 2.6X more purchase conversions than other formats used in that campaign. What’s more, combining a desirable AR ad format together with adequate targeting resulted in a 4.7X higher return on ad spend, compared to 2019 brand awareness campaigns.

Kulturprojekte Berlin: educate better using virtual trip

To mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this unique immersive project took people on a virtual trip back in time with Facebook Augmented Reality ads and a Messenger experience, with 80% feeling more educated after the experience.Facebook for Business

We learn best not by hearing or reading, but by experiencing. And it’s exactly how in 2019 Kulturprojekte Berlin taught about the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Among different activities, exhibitions and performances, the 30 AR filters created for this occasion held a special place. They gave the younger generation of Germans a chance to tear down the wall or light virtual candles in the Gethsemane Church themselves using Augmented Reality. Messenger Chatbot was used to help navigate the users on the AR historical journey.

Source: Facebook for Business

The statistics show that the campaign was a success when it comes to reaching the younger audience: people aged 18-24 were much more interested in the AR filters than the older audience and within 5 days of the campaign the chatbot gained 10,000 active subscribers. The survey showed that this way of educating young people – by active participation – is much more effective than traditional means of teaching.

Dubai Properties: residence tours in AR

An exclusive Dubai-based property development company paired Facebook’s Augmented Reality ads with lead ads in an attention-grabbing campaign that reached 2.2 million people and drove quality sales leads as a result.Facebook for Business

Blink to change the view – that’s all it takes to make an ad stand out from the crowd. Dubai Properties made a campaign using AR filter that took their potential clients on the tour using just their mobiles. After creating a buzz with video ads, they targeted the audience gained in such way with AR ads to invite them to take part in the immersive virtual tour and to turn them into leads using friendly form.

Source: Facebook for Business

The above stats show that the AR campaign was very effective, creating very high-quality leads of people interested in buying the property. Thanks to that, 50% of units were sold in the first two weeks of the campaign. Additionally, such huge reach of the AR campaign boosted Dubai Properties’ brand awareness, which could generate new leads in the future.

That was just, hopefully, the first of our many future analyzis of marketing campaigns which use social media AR filters. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to be always up to date.